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Curated content

Course and modules are organized and curated as per need of the clients.
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Up-to-date contents, pool of esteemed trainers and corporate connections made us what we are now.
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Practical approach

Coupled with real time applications, gain simulated assessment as a new tool for applied learning.
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Course in marketplace

A place to showcase your corporate genes and how you can impact others. Let’s bring in your best practice.
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Best in class trainings

SME aka subject matter expertise is what you get from us, no short cuts, rather aligned according to the company needs, and get contemporary contents as dividends.
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SAAS based

Cost effective,and intuitive. Add contents or deplete whenever you want to- a choice every corporate body wants to have with.

Check out some valued clients

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Frequently asked questions

Somriddhi will create courses and offer all necessary resources.

After discussing the content, if any changes are required, they can be made.

The questions may change, but the assessment structure will remain the same.

Yes, the company has to pay for each team member separately.

There is no limit to the maximum number of people for a course.
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See our plans

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